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Salsabila LOU-de Edwina

Salsabila LOU-de Edwina

Lou-de handles Capital Market matters in particular, IPO and Right Issues, and has also been involved in general corporate projects.

Lou-de obtained her bachelor’s degree from the University of Indonesia Faculty of Law, majoring in business law. During her studies, she was an active member of various organizations, including the Asian Law Students’ Associations Local Chapter Universitas Indonesia (ALSA LC UI), and she was the Director of Organization Division of Business Law Society Universitas Indonesia (BLS FH UI).

Prior to joining WH&SD, Lou-de gained the experience working at a law firm, which focused on Intellectual Property Rights and Dispute Resolution. She had the opportunity to get an internship program abroad at the Consulate General of the Republic Indonesia in Penang, Malaysia, where she focused on employment and labor issues.

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